Gear Technology
Gear Shaper
CNC Gear Shaper

GSM-12N gear shaper is the most popular machine among our current gear technology products. The design concept of this model was high performance with less footprints and operation friendliness in gear cutting production line for automotive industry, while design reviews carried out in the last decade have significantly improved its performance in high accuracy and reliability.
Thus, close to 400 units were delivered to automotive, motorcycle and robotic industries in Japan and overseas markets.

GS-200N gear shaper is a long standing model widely used in job shops for construction vehicle gears and for variety of gears used in other industries. Superior rigidity, operation friendliness, high efficiency and long service life have achieved close to 300 units delivery.

GS-70N has been marketed recently complying with the demand for higher performance for similar applications with GS-200N.

GS-80N is a specially designed heavy duty 6 axis machine for shaping large size gears for construction vehicles. Utilizing an optional Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) and Automatic Cutter Shift, internal cluster gears are shaped in an automatic cycle without changing setup for upside down, which brought about a significant improvement in productivity.
Model | GSM-12N | GSM-25N | GS-200N | GS-70N | GS-80N | |
Diameter of work table | mm | 250 | 250 | 750 | 700 | 800 |
Max. tooth width | mm | 40 (50*) | 40 (50*) | 170 | 170 | 220 |
Max. pitch module | 4 | 4 | 6.5 | 6.5 | 10 | |
Cutter strokes | Str/min | 300~1,500 | 400~2,000 | 30~200 | 30~200 | 30~350 |
Main motor (Continuous rating) | AC/kW | 5.5 | 7.5 | 3.7 | 7.5 | 11 |
* Can be processed conditionaly